About administrator
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Entries by administrator
Diskusi “Cross-Border Shareholder Disputes: Making Up or Breaking Up”
31 Oktober 2016 – Sebagai bentuk partisipasi dalam peningkatan pemahaman hukum di Indonesia, Kantor Hukum Lontoh & Partners berpartisipasi dalam diskusi “Cross-Border Shareholder Disputes: Making Up or Breaking Up”. Diskusi yang diadakan oleh Indonesia Corporate Counsel Association (ICCA) pada 31 Oktober 2016 membahas opsi dan proses dalam penyelesaian sengketa antar pemegang saham dalam perusahaan joint […]
Gathering To Jogyakarta
Pada tanggal 29 – 31 Oktober 2010, Karyawan Lontoh & Partners melakukan Gathering to Jogyakarta. Perjalanan meliputi : Candi Prambanan, Borobudur dan posko pengungsian (Bakti Sosial) di Sleman Jogyakarta.
Employee Gathering at Bali, 4-6 Desember 2009
Pada tanggal 4-6 Desember 2009, Karyawan Lontoh & Partners melakukan Employee Gatering di Bali dimana bertujuan untuk memperkuat kebersamaan antar Karyawan dan tentunya refreshing bagi Karyawan. Selama di Bali, kami mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata seperti Pura Tanah Lot, Taman Ayun Mengwi, Bedugul, Dream Land, Garuda Wisnu Kencana, serta tidak lupa menonton tari kecak di Pura […]
Over Half of Graft Suspects Beat the Rap
Jakarta. New research by a prominent watchdog reveals an alarming trend in the fight against graft, showing that well over half of corruption suspects tried in court in the first half of the year were acquitted. Released on Sunday, Indonesia Corruption Watch data showed that 54.8 percent of defendants facing charges of corruption in regular […]
Lawmakers Playing Down Posh New Offices
Jakarta. A heavily criticized and costly new office building planned for Indonesian lawmakers promises to have every available comfort, including a swimming pool, a gym and spa facilities, the lead architect said on Tuesday. Budi Sukada, who heads the team overseeing the design, told the Jakarta Globe that the facilities were in accordance with city […]
House Birthday, but 223 Lawmakers Don’t Care
Jakarta. The House of Representatives on Monday celebrated its 65th anniversary with a muted response to mounting public criticisms of its recent performance. House Speaker Marzuki Alie, addressing a plenary session called to mark the occasion, only touched on the issues affecting the legislature during his speech. “The House completely understands the people’s criticisms of […]
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